Friday, 5 February 2010

The shop keeper

 Once there was a village, and in that village was a shop, and in that shop there was a shop keeper.
   That shop keeper was no ordinary shop keeper. He was a dead shop keeper. At night he would turn into flesh and bones, and during the day, he was an ordinary man like any other. So here is how it happened:
   One day, George the shop keeper went out to smell the freshness of the day, for it would soon be gone. His shop was a little corner shop called Go, Go Groceries!! He earnt quite a bit of money everyday, which helped him feed his wife and children.
   George happened to be in the woodman pub every Saturday. His friends went there too and there he enjoyed a bit of wine and fish and chips. But this Saturday he was not there. He felt something wrong, very wrong was going to happen. He thought a thought no one else would think. He thought such a thought even I do not know what it is! He told no one of his thought. It was horrible, gruesome and disgusting.
    That night was when it happened. He thought he would feel safe in the woods where no one went and no wild life lived there. But there was. It was like that. In the flick of a finger he was not there. Not a bit of him. Not his face. Not his feet. Nothing. But at that same moment he was there, but he was not there. He did not know what happened. He felt awkward, not the same as before, nor now. He felt as if nothing was there, but he was there. Then he figured out he was not there. He had been hit by the all famous sound wave, the death threatening one. He did not want to look at his hands because he was afraid he did not have any, but he did… “Ahh!!!” a high pitched scream went out. It was him, and he did have hands…

The End  


  1. Andrea!!! Me encanta tu idea y la forma en la que lo escribiste. Si sigues escribiendo asi vamos a tener que sentarnos a hablar en serio y darte truquitos para que comiences a pulir el escrito. Eso lo que quiere decir es que aprendas cosas que hacen los escritores para asegurarse de que lo que escriben esta correcto. Dale.. me encanta. Sigue poniéndolos aqui, que te aseguro que los leere. Un besote grande... estoy loca porque sea el verano para verte a ti y al loco de tu hermano. Tu tia la mas linda y la que mas te quiere. :-)

  2. Bellisima!!Que cuento fabuloso!! Estoy bien orguallosa de ti, me has dejado en shock con tu habilidad de escribir. Continua asi...Titi Gogo te querra mucho, pero la que mas te quiere soy yo :)!!

  3. Hi, Andrea! Good luck with your new blog and your writing, which is so obviously your passion! I believe that no one is ever too young or too old to go after a dream, so never stop pursuing yours.

    All the best,
    Cheri--New York, USA

  4. Andrea! Me encantó tu cuento! Estoy muy orgullosa de ti y tu blog, creo que es tremenda idea! Sigue leyendo y escribiendo mucho, tienes talento!!

    un abrazo,

  5. Thank you everyone!! I'm focusing on another story and i have no idea how to convert it short like how I'm supposed to... Any tips??
