Saturday, 20 March 2010

The Rainbow Chicken


Hello. My name is Rainbow Chicken. I am looking for an owner. these are my friends: Rabbit, who can help more than 8- people at a time because she's used to it very much. Here is Dog. He can run for more than 100 hours. He can do that because he practices a lot. And for last here is Cat. She is quite laze, but not as lazy because she can help about 4 people at a time! Bur well, forget it and here is the story!

One day there was a chicken. She was a Rainbow Chicken, not an ordinary chicken like you see now a days. She was looking for an owner you see. And she said: "Where could I find an owner?" she thought. "Oh man!!" she thought.

After that she said "Rabbit!" Then she said to Rabbit: "Do you know where I could find an owner?" "No" Rabbit replied. How do you think Chicken is feeling?

Rainbow Chicken zoomed to France Forest with Rabbit. "How would I ever find an owner?" she screamed. Next she found lazy Cat which was eating crisps. "I'm lonely".  She whispered to Cat. "Do you know where Dog lives" She asked. "Yes, I do know, but it is too far. But I'll help you anyway" she answered. So cat told Rabbit where Dog lives, but she was too lazy to walk there. Did you know Dog lives in Asia?!

It took them 720 hours! "It has been 30 days and we're not there yet! "screamed Chicken. They had crossed Germany and Russia and where already in Mongolia when suddenly they met Dog!

And Dog said: "Hi! Long time no see! Are you living over here?" And they said  No. We're living over in France but we want to find an owner". Dog replied: "I need to find a cat, a rabbit and a chicken, for my owner in China who is very lonely".

And then he said "Would you like to be my brothers and sisters?" Rabbit, Chicken and Cat screamed "YES!" They were really very excited. Then Dog said: "Come on, hop on me. I can run for 100 hours and get to China very fast". They did.

And finally, when they got to China, the owner said "YES!" and started crying with tears of jow. Then he gave them food and that very night they all slept on the farmer's bed. And they lived happily ever after for the rest of their lives. THE END!

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